Are you ready to move on? Are you ready to put the past where it belongs? It is my passion to help people accomplish this goal as quickly and as pain free as possible.
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HealthShare OHP
Jackson Care Connect OHP
Oregon Health Plan Open Card
Pacific Source OHP
Pacific Source Private Insurance
Regence BCBS
Trillium Community Health Plan OHP
United Health Care
Private Pay
Hello! My name is Stacy Hardwick and I am a board-certified Counselor.
I began my practice in Missouri ten years ago, since then, I have expanded my experience into Missouri and Oregon. I obtained my graduate degree at Webster University-St Louis, Missouri in Counseling Psychology with a 3.98GPA.
I work to help people manage stress related disorders, anxiety, depression, OCD, codependency, attachment Injuries; as well as working with couples to resolve their issues to empower them to make the best choice for their future.
I am an insight oriented therapist. I specialize in helping children and adults with processing their trauma without having to relive it. I am comfortable with the modalities of EMDR, Cognitve Behavioral Therapy, Neurofeedback, and Attachment Theory.
I have several advanced certifications in treating wounds from the past. I would be happy to help you today with any of your mental health concerns. The journey of therapy doesn't have to be painful. Come on, I will lead the way.
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Availability is updated once a day, or less, leading to your chosen provider possibly not being available. Please call for the most accurate information and fastest assignment.