I don't have anything fancy to say, no affirmations or encouragements to convince you, "THAT'S the therapist for me!" I am here to listen; I am here to assist you working through your needs, identifying goals, and to strategize the best way to meet those goals. In short, it's not about me; it's about you. That's why I'm here.
Before Booking
Please be Sure One Option From Each Section is True
Accepted Insurance:
Allcare Health
HealthShare OHP
Jackson Care Connect OHP
Oregon Health Plan Open Card
Pacific Source OHP
Pacific Source Commercial
Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield
Private Pay
I'm licensed by the state of Alabama as a Licensed Master of Social Work (LMSW), and by the state of Oregon as a Clinical Social Work Associate (CSWA), meaning I receive clinical supervision to support my pursuit a clinical and independent license.
I earned my Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Social Work from Troy University. I have a history of working with children, anxiety, Veterans, and the homeless.
I am a generally a Generalist, but have completed trainings in ACT, DBT, CBT, and shame informed therapy, but the most important thing to know about how I work is that I work with what my clients give me--I consider therapy a partnership wherein my most important job is to listen. I will meet you where you are with what you bring me, and I will bring you my full attention, employ the skills and interventions I have learned based on what your needs are, and I expect my clients to bring exactly one thing to every session: willingness.
If you are willing to change, willing to grow, willing to hear difficult things, willing to work on yourself, and willing to tell me what you need from our time, that is where we begin.
Stronger Oregon Admin Message:
Availability is updated once a day, or less, leading to your chosen provider possibly not being available. Please call for the most accurate information and fastest assignment.